Organic Seed Corn

SW 8977 Organic

New introduction to the SEEDWAY Organic lineup with a very flashy appearance in the field. Well adapted to the challenges North Country growing conditions can bring. The tall plant produces ample tonnage for the dairy producer. The long ears flower early and the kernels set up quickly to produce top bushels of high test weight grain even when heat units are limited. Husks reliably flare open to promote good air circulation and help protect grain quality from ear molds in damp fall conditions. Seed comes untreated.

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New introduction to the SEEDWAY Organic lineup with a very flashy appearance in the field. Well adapted to the challenges North Country growing conditions can bring. The tall plant produces ample tonnage for the dairy producer. The long ears flower early and the kernels set up quickly to produce top bushels of high test weight grain even when heat units are limited. Husks reliably flare open to promote good air circulation and help protect grain quality from ear molds in damp fall conditions. Seed comes untreated.

Seed Characteristics

Maturity Days 89
Traits Organic Seed Corn

Product Downloads

SW 8977OR