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Blazer Dual Purpose Oat
Tall leafy oat with improved standability with superior Crown Rust resistance. Seed at 120 -150 lbs. per acre. High yielding forage variety but also a good choice for those wanting high grain and straw yields.
Caprice Grain Oat
This variety, tested as SD150015 in the 2018-2023 Cornell University Trials, has consistently ranked as the top performer over five years. It boasts a strong yield, excellent resistance to current races of Crown Rust, and good resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). With a tan hull color, it is a very showy variety that also offers very good lodging resistance. The plant is short in stature and has a very good test weight, though it has a smaller relative seed size.
Juggernaut Winter Oat
Medium-tall, Southern adapted variety that is great for forage, grain, cover crop, and wildlife food plot use. Excellent grain and forage yield potential. Exceptional resistance to crown rust, specifically a new race that is prevalent in the Southern U.S.
Steuben Spring Oat
Strong yielder with excellent standability. 8 bushel yield advantage and improved test weight over Corral in 6 years of testing at Cornell University. Strong resistance to current races of Crown Rust. White hull color similar to Hayden.