Other Hot Hybrids

Time Bomb Pepper (Treated Seed)


Time Bomb produces red, hot cherry peppers with a light smoky flavor. Producing fruit with about 1,000 Scoville units, Time Bomb has a light heat. These are great pickled, processed or chopped into salsas.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Time Bomb produces red, hot cherry peppers with a light smoky flavor. Producing fruit with about 1,000 Scoville units, Time Bomb has a light heat. These are great pickled, processed or chopped into salsas.

Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Commercial
Maturity Days 71
Disease Reaction HR: Tm:0
Variety Time Bomb Pepper (Treated Seed)
Plant Medium Size, Open
Exterior Color Green / Red

Additional information

Package Size

250 SEEDS, 1 M, 5 M, 50 M

Product Downloads

SEEDWAY_Time Bomb_April2023