Triploid Yellow

Golden Crisp Watermelon (Farmore)


Golden Crisp is a large seedless, firm flesh, yellow watermelon variety. The fruit boasts a remarkable bright yellow flesh and a dark green rind, which easily distinguishes the fruit from other red seedless varieties.This dynamic variety brings value and flexibility to growers’ watermelon programs. It is a dual-purpose variety, which delivers the benefits of firm flesh suitable for both fresh cut programs and whole fruit markets.


Golden Crisp is a large seedless, firm flesh, yellow watermelon variety. The fruit boasts a remarkable bright yellow flesh and a dark green rind, which easily distinguishes the fruit from other red seedless varieties.This dynamic variety brings value and flexibility to growers’ watermelon programs. It is a dual-purpose variety, which delivers the benefits of firm flesh suitable for both fresh cut programs and whole fruit markets.

Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Commercial
Maturity Days 85
Disease Reaction IR: Co:1, Fon:1
Variety Golden Crisp Watermelon (Farmore)
Shape Oblong
Interior Vibrant Yellow
Exterior Color Dark Green With Darker Jubilee Stripe
Weight 14 lbs.

M = 1,000 Seed Count
MM = Million Seed Count
1000M = Million Seed Count
100M = 100 Thousand Seed Count

Additional information

Package Size

100 SEEDS, 1 M, 5 M

Product Downloads

SEEDWAY_Golden Crisp Watermelon