Parthenocarpic Slicers

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  • Braga Cucumber (Not Treated)

    Parthenocarpic slicer, recommended as an alternative to Lagos. Braga is an American-style slicer, producing long fruit for use in protected culture or tunnels lacking pollination. Fruit is dark in color and tends to set heavy in early picks.

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  • Braga Cucumber (Treated Seed)

    Parthenocarpic slicer, recommended as an alternative to Lagos. Braga is an American-style slicer, producing long fruit for use in protected culture or tunnels lacking pollination. Fruit is dark in color and tends to set heavy in early picks.


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  • Katrina Cucumber (Organic)

    Katrina is a parthenocarpic beit alpha mini cucumber, producing 3-4 fruit per node. Plant habit is open and produces few laterals. Fruit is uniform in size and quality.

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  • Katrina Cucumber (Treated Seed)

    Katrina is a parthenocarpic beit alpha mini cucumber, producing 3-4 fruit per node. Plant habit is open and produces few laterals. Fruit is uniform in size and quality.

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  • Lisboa Cucumber (Not Treated)

    For early crops, or if you want steady production without reseeding every few weeks, this parthenocarpic slicer for high tunnels or greenhouse (including hydroponic) is the way to go. Nice 8 – 9″ fruit is usually produced two fruit at each internode.



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  • Lisboa Cucumber (Treated Seed)

    For early crops, or if you want steady production without reseeding every few weeks, this parthenocarpic slicer for high tunnels or greenhouse (including hydroponic) is the way to go. Nice 8 – 9″ fruit is usually produced two fruit at each internode.



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  • Picolino Cucumber (Organic)

    Picolino starts early and can keep producing for a long season. The fruit color is a consistent, nice bright green. 5″-6″ fruit has great flavor and texture with a tender skin. Although listed as 52 days, in a high tunnel you may pick fruit as quickly as 45 days. Fruit sets freely; be prepared to feed the vines generously to support the fruit.

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